Zeletin Circle

Zeletin is a great mountain that belongs to the Prokletije range, and extends from Andrijevica to Gusinje and Andrijevica village – Kuti. Zeletin is home to one of the best preserved biodiversity in Montenegro, very interesting terrain on where cliffs and ridges constantly alternate, valleys and ravines, meadows and ponds, deciduous and evergreen forests full of attractive centuries-old trees. This is a still wild mountain, with completely undisturbed landscape, with not so many shepherd coming with their cattle here no more, and most of the the old katuns have been abandoned, But a huge network of shepherd’s trails have remained, trails that meander everywhere, connecting this area with mountains Visitor, Greben and Lipovica. This whole mountain range with numerous peaks higher than 2000m is a unique mountain complex that cannot be explored in one day, but represents an opportunity for several days of camping or enjoying in rural households that have started to provide accommodation and food services in this area.

For a one-day exploring of Zeletin we recommend a circular route that starts from the village Cecune located next to the river Kuckaja, and the same circle can start from the village Ulotina which is on the other side of the hill, in the valley of Lim rimver, on the main road Andrijevica – Plav.

We start this tour on a gravel road through the village Cecune, and when we get through the last village houses we continue through the meadows and then southeast we enter the forest and connest to the great forest trail. We will enjoy this trail for the next 4-5km, listening to the birds singing, all the way until the first huts of Cecunski katun (1820m), which lies on the pasture surrounded by peaks of Kruskova glava (1956m), Otova glava (1933m) and Saren krs (1939m). In the middle of the forest part of the route there is a crossroad. The left branch leads through Debela zila to Ceransko katun, which we will see later in the day, coming from another direction.

From Cecunski katun we continue further to Drekina kosa ridge, from where the highest peak of Cecune part of Zeletin, Drekina glava (2052m) can be conquered. From Drekina kosa ridge the trail slowly turns down to Ceransko katun  (1825m) which is interesting for its surroundings – numerous sinkholes one of which stands out in particular, located in the next meadow, where the trail continues toward katun Gropa. It is almost a precise circle with a diameter of about 100m,  some 20-30m deep, with steep sides and the bottom full of high pine trees, all of which makes this sinkhole to lool really great. Next to this sinkhole, there used to be a small pond, but at our last visit to this place we noticed that the pond has mysteriously disappeared.

What comes next is a very interesting climb through thick pine tree forest that has grown on rocky ground, and after coming out from the forest we get to a large glacial cirque and abandoned but beautiful katun Gropa (1840m). Pastures, water springs and abandoned huts of Gropa are located just below the western steep cliffs of Goleš where there is the highest peak of Zeletin – Platno (2126m) and only couple of meters lower peak Plana (2120m).

To reach Goles peaks we climb from Gropa through the rocky terrain on Ulotina ridge, to the attractive pass called Rogovi, where there is a crossroads of trails, one of which goes down to katun katuniste, second goes to the top of Goles, and the third leads along the very ridge to the peak Govedjak (2039m).

Aside from the great, enchanting view of everywhere around from the top of Goleš, there is another unique value hidden at this place. There is a steep, vertical cliff on northwest side of Goles, facing katuniste, where another hidden and difficult to access attraction is located – locals call it Pecina (cave), though it is not certain yet if this is the cave or maybe a stone arch.

The final part of the route will continue from Rogovi towards northwest, along the trail that goes across a narrow ridge that widens further on, and reveals deep holes and ditches, and from here it is only the matter of minutes to reach  the last peak on this tour – mild and broad peak Govedjak, recognizable by a larger wooden cross installed at the very top. From Govedjak the tour begins to lose altitude constantly, first by climbing down to a broad pasture valley  just beneath the mountain Garevine, and further on through narrow trail in the meadow that leads to a small pond called Blato and old Luski katun. Pond Blato is interesting for the fact that we have found a large community crested newt (triton), postglacial relict and protected species of amphibian in Montenegro.

From Luski katun we descend taking a steep stone path through the beech forest from which we arrive at the Stubica ridge, and from there through the meadows we quickly reach the village Cecune.

By taking this circular tour, we have passed a large part Zeletin mountain and have enjoyed the untouched nature, but you should know that this is only a small part of the hidden beauty that this green mountains offers to lovers of hiking.

Known waters springs are marked on the map.

NOTE: The trail is not marked.

Exploration of this trail has been supported by National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro.


Total distance: 25.2 km
Max elevation: 2102 m
Min elevation: 874 m
Total climbing: 2045 m




Outdoor Center & Hostel Mojan
Komovi – Andrijevica – Montenegro

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