Tag Archives: Komovi

Rikavačko Lake – Jošanica

This is a very interesting biking trail that passes the actual border area with Albania through whole zone of the newly formed regional nature park “Komovi”. Aside from phenomenal beauty one will encounter on each its meter, it is also strategically very important because it connects two national biking trails TT4 and TT3 and the … Continue reading Rikavačko Lake – Jošanica

Video: People from the Cursed Mountains

Film about Cursed Mountains and hardworking people who live and work there!

Responsible Innovation in Prokletije – Plav, Gusinje and Andrijevica.
Video prepared as part of Facilitating Responsible Innovation project, within South East Europe Program, funded by EU and implemented in Montenegro by Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije.