Biking Trail PV02 – Ranče

Total distance: 19.4 km
Max elevation: 1283 m
Min elevation: 780 m
Total climbing: 1267 m


Trail length is 20.3 km; grade varies from easy to difficult. It takes from the location called Milet Bašta (780m). The trail continues through Moćevac and further through City Park called Vodice than takes up the asphalt road and begins to climb to village Kamberovića Do, where the dirt road leads to village Crljenice (1240m), then continues down the gravel road the Miljevići up to Košudol where it gets to the main road Pljevlja – Prijepolje arriving to the border crossing Ranče (1260m) which is end point of the trail.

Outdoor Center & Hostel Mojan
Komovi – Andrijevica – Montenegro

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