Biking Trail PV08 – Ograđenica

Total distance: 29.95 km
Max elevation: 1594 m
Min elevation: 1230 m
Total climbing: 1084 m


Trail length is 30.7 km; grade varies from mild to heavy. The track begins at crossroads in the village Glibaći (1300m), where the trail continues down the gravel road through the villages Glibaći, Točak, Morajice, Jelov Panj, canyon of the river Draga and then through the village of Slatina (1545m), to the village Ograđenica (1450m), where the stage ends. Trail passes through some of the most beautiful villages of Pljevlja, National Park Durmitor and ends at the edge of the Tara river canyon with the magnificent view of the canyon and the Durmitor Mountain peaks.

Outdoor Center & Hostel Mojan
Komovi – Andrijevica – Montenegro

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