Fly Fishing in Bijelo Polje

Already by its name, Bijelo Polje, speaks of the beauty and richness of this area: abundant valleys of Lim and other rivers, healing springs, flower meadows and dense forests. Djalovica Cave is also the part of natural treasures in the area. In the municipality of Bijelo Polje there are three fly-fishing zones on the rivers Lim, Ljubovidja and Bistrica. It is allowed to catch all fish species only with fly-fishing equiment with one fly, according to catch and release regulation, with special permits.


Lim: Fly fishing zone is 2km long, from Gubavački bridge (next to the confluence of Bistrica into Lim River) to Gošin bridge. Lim River is rich in salmon species (grayling, trout, hucho hucho) and cyprinid species (nase, barbel, chub, Danube roach).

Ljubovidja: Fly-fishing zone on this river is 1 km long, 500 m upstream of the Ethno Village “Vukovic” and 500 m downstream of the Ethno Village “Vukovic”. This fly-fishing zone, 12km far from Bijelo Polje, is rich in salmonids (grayling, hucho hucho and especially trout). Ravnorečka Bistrica, Lepšnica, Zekića River, Lještanica, Vranštica, which are the natural habitats and hatcheries of autochthonous brown trout, flow into Ljubovidja.

Bistrica: Fly -fishing zone is from Lozna Luka Bridge to the cofluence of Bistrica River into Lim, in the length of about 2km. This fly-fishing zone is about 7km far from Bijelo Polje. Bistrica is rich in salmonids- grayling, trout, and hucho hucho. Bistrica is a lowland river with a length of 10 km. By its large part, it flows through the canyon Djalovića and with numerous rapids, whirlpools and cascades it is a real paradise for fly-fishing. [1]


Because of the ideal conditions and water quality in Lim very large specimens of hucho hucho, trout, grayling, barbel, chub and nase were caught.

  1. This fly-fishing zone has been stocked, equipped and marked in cooperation with the Regional Development Agency for Bjelasica, Komovi and Prokletije, with financial assistance of Austrian Development Agency. []

Outdoor Center & Hostel Mojan
Komovi – Andrijevica – Montenegro

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