OpenStreet maps for Garmin devices

We have already written about our work on a comprehensive online maps update (OSM and Google Maps), especially when it comes to the northeastern Montenegro region, and now we are going one step further. We’ve created maps for Garmin GPS devices based on our mapping and data from OSM databases that, unlike the maps you get with the GARMIN device, are full of information and will make your stay and orientation in the region much easier.

There are two types of maps you can download from our site:

ROUTABLE BICYCLE (17.12.2017.)

ROUTABLE BICYCLE (13.03.2017.)

About the installation method of .img files on your device there are many texts across the internet, but in most cases it is enough to extract the file in the root directory of the device or in the Garmin folder on the SD card. Newer Garmin devices allow you to install multiple folders, different file names.

Appearance of Osm Generic Routable maps

Appearance of Osm Routable Bicycle maps (Includes all bicycle routes in Montenegro)

Appearance of standard Garmin maps that come with your device

There is a noticeable difference in the amount of information, so it is a recommendation to every owner of one of the Garmin GPS devices, whether to locals or to tourists visiting our region, to install these maps on your GPS devices for best possible orientation on the ground.

 We will add here all the major updates of OpenStreet maps, and for your information, OSM community in Croatia refreshes and udates data on daily bases for the entire region, so you can slo download their versions of the maps for your device.

Garmin maps:

OSMand maps:

Outdoor Center & Hostel Mojan
Komovi – Andrijevica – Montenegro

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