Lipovo: Rural Household – Big Grove


Are we really in Lipovo or at the first page of a fairy tale book? At the very top of the village, in a place called Klisura, on 1300 meters above sea level, old Dulovici house stands tall and proud as a guard. Spacious family household reached by a 800m long gravel road was once a summer cattlemen settlement, the family would spend time from May to November grazing their cattle here. It is truly magical. Mountain giants (Jablanov vrh, Crvena greda, Gradiste, Vratlo) breathe at your neck. The double spring of Plasnica river is calling you. Elm and ash tree in front of the house want to whisper a legend into your ear, but they are waiting for the night and the stars.

The house was built in 19th century, in 1860. Wide stone walls and many old furniture items(from chests to curtain holders), beds mad of pine wood, handmade woolen mattresses and pillows will take you back to the past and show you the culture of living not yet forgotten.

Your lady of the house Gordana is a woman of enormous energy. Never – she says – could I live in the town. Dragan is calm, as people who know how to carve wood and make a shingle roof usually are. Dulovici are proud with their five children. They now live in a smaller house at the lower end of the village because of the vicinity of the school, but they have grown up here. They will show you everything: where to find blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, wild pears. You can pick herbs for tea together (Oregano-origanum vugare, St John’s wort- hypericum perforatum, Bearberry-arctostaphylos uva-ursi), harvest potatoes, collect hey, make cheese. Or simply enjoy in the grass, out of time. Fly with the eagles, through the first page of a fairy tale book.

Lipovo, Kolašin


Biking trails which pass by accommodation:

Top Biking Trail 1 – Salty And Sweet
Top Biking Trail 4 – Endless Lanscapes

Outdoor Center & Hostel Mojan
Komovi – Andrijevica – Montenegro

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