Kralje: Rural Household – Perovic Fish-Pond

Perovic family lives in Kralje village, in Andrijevica. Near their family house, at the bank of Kraljstica river, there is a fishpond, and they have built a traditional building that looks like a horn, which serves as place t gather people and serve homemade specialties. At their land there are many fruit trees that offer nice shade at hot summer day, as well as famous aronia berries, most powerful natural antioxidant.

This is a very convenient spot for all those that are headed towards Komovi, or are on their way back to Andrijevica. Here you can taste delicious, fresh trout, fish soup and many other specialties that Perovic family is very talented in preparing. You can get refreshed with various homemade juices, liqours and rakija, made directly from their own products. If you are biker or hiker, this is an excellent spot for camping. And Perovic family members will show you everything else you might be interested in, show you their village that has a lot to offer, so your stay here will certainly be a memorable one.

To order a nice meal ahead of your arrival, please contact Perovic family at this number

Outdoor Center & Hostel Mojan
Komovi – Andrijevica – Montenegro

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